Success Stories


Lost 35 lbs

Lost tons of inflammation

Off my anxiety meds approved by my doc

No more daily dr peppers

The best part is I get to be the mom I need to be!”

Just think about what you truly want...

Is it more confidence, more energy, to look in the mirror and love yourself again. 💌

I chose plexus because it's simple, it's high quality products.... you feel and see a difference in mood, energy and more very quickly.



_6 years ago my hair was falling out.

-6 years ago my energy was gone.

-6 years ago I couldn't get the dark thoughts/fears out of my head.

-6 years ago I was in survival mode, parenting from the couch and making it through my days with lots of coffee.

-6 years ago the weight continued to pile on no matter what I did.

-6 years ago my family was under a mountain of debt.


3 years ago I stopped watching & started doing ...

Just because God placed something in my life that was the answer to my prayers … but I had to take it.

So I decided.

Enough of the same.

Enough "accepting" motherhood exhaustion and blues. Enough bad habits and self sabotage. Enough of letting my health decline. Enough cheaping out on myself in the name of focusing on my kids and my husband.


I committed to true health. Not a quick fix that would work for a bit but then leave me worse than when I started. You cannot take short cuts with your health.



Down 20 pounds as of this weekend!!!!!

This weight loss journey has been a little slower than I would have liked, but I don’t even care!!! When I tell you that Plexus has helped heal me in so many other ways, I’m not even worried about the weight loss because it will come!!

•Less inflammation

•Lower blood sugar

•Gut health in check

I will say it over and over


It’s not normal to feel exhausted after you eat dinner. It’s not normal to always have headaches. It’s not normal to have acid reflux after every meal. Plexus has changed the game for me and this is not my life anymore I get to enjoy healthier foods in a new light and actually walk 2 miles without feeling absolutely exhausted.

Friend, this isn’t about the business for me (although God has showed up and showed out for us financially), it’s about the day in and day out change that I’ve experienced. I wish I could tell you just in one Facebook post how amazing I feel. It brings me to tears just how good God has been to me on this Plexus journey. I feel like a new person. I had just gotten used to feeling so awful all the time, but I didn’t

have to.



April 2023 vs March 2024.

Plexus Triplex every day: pink drink in the am and 2 bio cleanse/2 pro bio 5 at bed time.

3 products created to synergistically work together.

For every person no matter the struggle.

No crazy diets, no gym routines, just living life and feeling your best!

I do believe that gut health is where it’s at and so do many others who have found relief.

Simple solution to all kinds of problems.

Name your problem. I have a testimony for it to bring you hope also.



Menopause (and perimenopause) and weight gain seem to go hand in hand.

I went to sleep and I woke up the next day, and I promise you, I’ve gained 20 pounds.

That was my experience…… I know it didn’t happen overnight, but over the course of 6 months I went from 130 pounds to 164! I was devastated. EMBARRASSED. Confused as to what the heck caused it. It most definitely was a combo of post C - vid inflammation and hormones. Specifically, too much cortisol and declining sex hormones.

The picture on the left was at my heaviest. Shortly after, Plexus released a revolutionary product called RESET. It is a 3 day nutritionally supported fast to reset your metabolism and a cellular detox, which is really a fancy term for taking out the garbage.

Over the course of the past year, with the help of monthly, then quarterly RESETs combined with my gut health products + BALANCE (these together stimulate GLP1 hormones similar to semiglutide) I’ve shed about 30 pounds and maintained it.

I’m sharing this because I know I’m not the only one this has happened to and I want you to know there are solutions!


©2024 gethealthywithcat. All Rights Reserved.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Plexus makes no guarantees on income. Personal earnings will vary. Your success depends on your sales, effort, commitment, skill, and leadership abilities. In 2022, the average annual earnings of all Ambassadors were $537. Please see the Plexus Annual Income Disclosure Statement.